One of the biggest Zesium partners was Schneider Electric DMS.


Schneider Electric DMS NS LLC Novi Sad (SEDMS) is a joint venture company for the research, development and engineering in the field of electrical power and engineering management software. Schneider Electric DMS gathers over 1000 experts in power and computer engineering with a long lasting cooperation with Universities, power utilities, manufacturers and IT integrators worldwide.


As Zesium has a close relationship with The Faculty of Technical Sciences , the University of Novi Sad and as being one of its best partners, Schneider Electric DMS without any doubt chose Zesium for a technical partner.



Outage Management System (OMS) created by Schneider Electric DMS is a system with main purpose to provide the most comprehensive network management solution including monitoring, analysis, control, optimization, planning and training tools that altogether function through common representation of the entire electric distribution network.


ADMS solution has been deployed in 157 Control Centers in 80 Utilities worldwide supplying 90.9 million customers (meters).


The development process was highly complex and did not allow any mistake as a single small mistake could cause problems in the electricity distribution systems and potentially cause fatalities.



Direct benefits from ADMS are: significantly higher network reliability and improved operational efficiency – the system reduced operational costs plus advanced safety and reinforced security makes ADM system highly reliable and increases its quality.


This product has several applications on the ground:

  • Self- healing automation 
  • Closed-loop control for advanced functions such as Volt/VAR Optimization (VVO) and Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration (FLISR);
  • Distributed Energy 
  • Supports renewable energy — the highly variable generation that is being distributed potentially anywhere along distribution feeders;
  • Distribution SCADA — Combines the industry’s most feature-rich distribution management system with the operational benefits of an incorporated, held – proven distribution SCADA system;
  • Beyond the Control Room Mission critical applications contain advanced analysis tools that traditionally have been restricted to the control room;
  • Real-Time weather – Web service-based integration of real-time weather data vital in forecasting and managing network load. 


Zesium R&D expertise in .NET web technology was recognized and we took part in R&D development of Outage Management and Work Order Management Subsystems as part of SEDMS’s tier one of Advance Distribution Management System (ADMS).


Zesium has been involved in the development process of OMS with a large team of full-time developers working daily on creating better solutions for the OMS.  


Outage Management System (OMS) is one of the biggest projects from Schneider Electric DMS and Zesium is proud to be their partner on the project – it shows we are a reliable partner that creates distinctive quality products, continually expands good practices and is always looking for innovative and more sustainable products. 

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